星期一, 4月 21, 2008


這是最近替人工淚水製作的動畫中的一個角色, 它是參巧一件六十年代的鉄皮太空人玩具而製成的, 我很喜歡原件中的淡綠色與紅帶的配撘。 3DMAX

4 則留言:

felix ip 說...

where can I see the Ad?

Wong Kenny 說...

In KCR, they are going to show it in bus roadshow. I will upload this movie layer, the client used 森美小儀 for voice over this time. But hardly heard the voice in KCR!

I almost finish the third movie, there is some problems, tell you when we meet again , not here. :)

felix ip 說...

the still looks very cool!

Wong Kenny 說...

I will upload the movie this week, I just used very simple animation skill in the movie, I will finish the third one this week. Than go back to the comic.