星期日, 10月 15, 2006


地球先鋒號係六十年代嘅流行漫畫, 細路仔時坐在屋企對面樓下嘅飛髪舖剪頭髪, 通常會有一叠漫畫放在木架上, 當時係賣五亳子一本, 其中就有「地球先鋒號」, 果陣覺得好好睇咖啦! D同學仔個個都識, 直頭有GUNDAM咁威!
地球先鋒號位原作者據聞係新加坡人, 後來繪畫者有改變, 做形也曾改動過, 不過始終原創造形最深入民心, 故事內容係源自 橫山光輝 的 「鉄人廿八號」, 當時譯作「巨無覇」!
地球先鋒號的故事對我來說已沒有甚麼印像, 但那個 「土黃色身、心口有個紅色V字、 頭上有把曲尺, 雙腳好似女人腳」嘅形像就好深刻, 曾有位手辨師傅好友想製作地球先鋒號模型, 可惜講成廿年只見過個頭同半個身, 唉!
好希望把這個充滿原創性, 最本土文化嘅科幻角色重生! 地球先鋒號可能係第一部全科幻嘅中國漫畫, 正確點應該係‘公仔書’, 六十年代‘漫畫’這個名詞重未好流行, 大家都話‘睇公仔書!’

7 則留言:

Wong Kenny 說...

I would like to share the books, This one you see were just color copy from my friend . It's so good to see the whole 1 to 33 books. especialy the frist issued.

Wong Kenny 說...


匿名 說...

地球先鋒號 is actually a Japanese comic book character. I think the name is something like "Let's go Number 13":


匿名 說...

I want to buy 地球先鋒號 comic books. Can anyone please tell me where I can get them?
Thanks a lot
Here's my email: powerkaki@hotmail.com

kew 說...

Hello, I would like to read 地球先锋号 as well can anyone help me?

Looks very interesting!!


匿名 說...

Hi, my dad has been looking for this 先锋号 since ages ago...anyone have idea how can I get a copy of this comic? Or perhaps, is there anybody willing to send me am electronic copy of it to my email? It will be a great bday present for my dad!
Hope to hear from u guys..
My email is koa_koa@hotmail.com

stan 說...

Hi, I stumbled into this blog, and i am a big fan of 地球先鋒號. if there's an electronic copy of that, please please let me know how to get it. Thank you very much